

:!: Sales statistics can be used in all account areas, so please select the correct account area. The statistics offer a lot of functions so it is handy to know what kind of analysis you need. So ask yourself:

:?: What am I trying to find out?

You get to the sales statistics via Accounts/Statistics.

General functions

Reset (1) :!: Please always press the button Reset before you start entering your settings, to restore the default settings.
;-) Reset enables all the tests, as you can always restore the default settings.
Save (3) Save allows you to save the statistics settings, so you can always use them again.
:!: Please save in the folder suggested by PC CADDIE. Pay attention to the file name - it is clear that it is a sales statistics but the actual content should be included in the file name.
Load (2) If you Load a saved statistic you only need to adjust the time Time period. Both fields must be adjusted.

Important settings

:!: Sometimes less is more - fill out only as much as necessary, not as much as possible.

Time period and content

The settings most frequently used can be set with the following information::


Special article

Days/Time/Club statistics

Statistics examples

HINT: Please do not forget to save useful and individual statistic settings, to ensure that you can always reuse them.

Sales statistics with individual layout

Statistics with member characteristics, account text and gross amount in the account

Sales statistics settings:


Layout to copy:



Cost control after fee transfer

:?: You have transferred the annual fees to the accounts, and now you want to check everything before printing the invoices?

  1. Click the button Reset.
  2. Go to the tab Time period and content and enter the date from… to… in the tab Time period.
  3. Sort by „Customer name“ in the Separate bookings field.
  4. Please set the Customer filter to „All persons“, as this option allows you to check if there have been any fee transfers to other people by accident.
  5. Now switch to the tab Filter and select „to calculate“ for the field Only this status.
  6. Now click Print.

;-) Here is the outcome:

List of individual payment methods

:?: Do you need an overview of your sales that where paid in cash or with a debit card (e.g. for your cash register account)?

Then go to the tab Filter:

Green fee revenue by day of the week or time of the day

Press Print and you will see the following:

You can also print a list with time-divisions when you make small changes in the tab Days/Time/Club statistics (see figure below).

You will receive the following list where you can see the time of the day when most green fees are booked.

Hint: You can always restore the default setting with Reset and then test new settings.

FA-Export, not exported bookings

;-) This list is of interest only in connection with the module Export accounting data.

There are two common mistakes when using the module Export accounting data (for example for DATEV export):

  1. The booking cannot be exported because the article lacks the FA account number.
  2. The booking cannot be exported because it has been posted to a date in the past, and that date has already been handed over to DATEV.

You can check with the sales statistics whether the bookings were posted, and find out which were not. In this case, check the Separate bookings in the tab Time period and content. Now go the the tab Filter and set the fields as presented in the following image: