n March!
Information from the ASG: EGA Handicap System
Age groups AG50 and AG30
The age g... were created before the conversion of the EGA HCP system, or competitions copied from older ones, should b... s from the original tournament, when the handicap system was up to HCP 36, and therefore cannot be automat... lts reading after entering the results.
Handicap system
The Handicap status "active/inactive" is omitted
chargeable as a client/server database management system. Needed for larger networks (more than five workp... ct the ADS version appropriate for your operating system (32/64 bits). If you choose the 64-bit installati... Automatic start-up, if you want to start ADS as a system service (recommended):
Please select the ASCII (... d only in exceptional cases - please contact your system administrator or the PC CADDIE support team
PREMIUM subscription adjustment
The system allows to centrally record used articles (like green fees, tou... ayers, and to generate statistics about them. The system has been used since 2018 at the clubs in Jersbek,... y pay the member's entry fee for tournaments.
The system is also used now (2020) at the seven Migros facil... GPC must always be checked manually by the local system (special memberships that may not even exist in t
ual update 2021, Germany
The WHS - World Handicap System will be introduced at the end of November 2020!
With the introduction of the WHS (World Handicap System), a change in loading the course data from the in... rred to the DGV intranet.
With the World Handicap System, the DGV takes over the management of the handica... ted!
CR corrections(PCC)
With the World Handicap System, the DGV calculates a course rating correction fo
:!: Please also note our details on the system requirements for the operating system used Microsoft® Windows operating system.
PC CADDIE supports Terminal server environments (e.g. Cit... the equipment with a Microsoft® Windows operating system.
Technical requirements for handhelds
:!: The fo
of the menu with a separate item for CRM and the "System" item
PC CADDIE can always do more and offers man... items „Settings“ and „End“ have been combined in „System“ and many settings from the main areas of cash de... n clearly summarised here.
In particular, under „System“ you will find some settings that were previously
possible to control a drinks machine via the card system. PC CADDIE communicates with a beverage dispenser via the card system and the use of a DIVA (Digital Intelligent Vendin
Save calls to CRM
HINT: If your telephone system has a TAPI interface, you can record your incoming call... wnload
You have to ensure access to the telephone system during the installation routine. IMPORTANT: You s
Annual update Luxembourg, 2018
Handicap system
Step-up handicap class 4
From 2018, the handicap system will be adapted so that the handicap class 4 (EGA
ist function for general approvals in the offline system, or the interface for online control and payment for the tee-off system „TeeUp“.
Golf & Hotel better linked
A room or ap
er. All PC CADDIE users, including the local system accounts, will need full rights (read, write, cha... Advantage Database Server
From PC CADDIE card system server to the automated units
online ball machine
le, Citrix). The installation of the ADS requires system administrator rights and should be performed by y... a Remote Desktop Services.
External and operating system independent access to the PC CADDIE Software.