

Result notification

Information about the intranet. How are the results messages automatically sent?
Read =>here

Since the results are sent via intranet, the manual printing function is rarely used. However, should problems arise, the results can be sent by fax as was customary in the past. Likewise, the results for players from countries that are not connected to the intranet can be faxed or printed and send to the players or their home club.

Competitions/ Print … / Results Notification prints a separate result message for each club. The results can then be sent to the home clubs of the players. PC CADDIE sums up all players with the same club name in a letter. Especially here, it is important that the same club name is provided for all players of a club, otherwise the grouping does not work properly. In addition, you should enter the complete address for the clubs, so that the address for these letters can be used automatically (see also data_for_foreign_clubs).

It may happen that a player contacts you and states that his home club has not received the results. If the tournament is more than 4 weeks old, you can not re-account and transfer the results. In this case you can only print out and send the result message for a single person or a specific club.

For quad tournaments you can not call this function. Four-ball or aggregate four-player tournaments are basically not handicap effective, and therefore there are no results reports.

Change the settings as needed and then start printing with the button Print (F8):

:!: Note that this feature only creates preset messages for the tournament being edited. For open golf weeks and similar it may therefore be useful to use the function Competitions/Multiple Tournaments, Golf Weeks/Results Notification. This allows you to summarize the tournament results from several tournaments in one letter per club: Results notification.

HINT: If you have the RVS-COM program from RVS-Datentechnik in Munich, PC CADDIE can automatically compose the faxes and send them directly from the computer via RVS-COM. You save yourself the printing and the subsequent manual faxing.

en/wettspiele/drucken/ergebnismitteilungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/10/30 13:36 von emilia
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