

Printing forms

:!: This feature is equivalent to the Print…/Persons List functionality, with the difference that you do not print a list of selected persons, but forms containing information of single persons (usually one page per person). We already included a useful form example in PC CADDIE. To check it out just click Persons/Print…/Forms and choose the layout Person-Master data:

Via Print you will generate a handy overview of a person's master data.

Hint: You can also print a person’s master data by clicking the button Print in the person's mask.

:!: Would you like to add a picture of the person, to provide a quick and easy identification? More information is available here: Print person forms with pictures.

Creating new forms

You can also create your own forms in PC CADDIE. To do that simply set up a new layout using the Edit button in the Persons form window.

Press Edit to open the Editor:

Click Define new format and then select the format type sheet.

Now choose the fields you wish to include in your form, than save.

Back to the original screen mask, you can now print your new forms via Print.

en/personen/formulardruck/formulardruck.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/14 14:56 von emilia
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