

Export club data

You can export club addresses via Setup/Clubs+Courses/Export addresses.

The choice of the clubs is done as for Printing the list of clubs. The default path in the local PC CADDIE folder USER_1\DATEN, and the default file is CLUB.DOC.

The file is then available for further processing.

You can now use this file to create a serial letter using Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.

Export clubs' email addresses

You can export email addresses and then save them in Word or Excel, or directly into Outlook.

Use the same menu item Setup/Clubs+Courses/Export addresses. Click „Export“. You can see a print preview on the screen, print, copy, open, or create a new document in Word or Excel. You can also paste the addresses in Outlook with CTR+V after creating a new message.

en/einstellungen/clubsundplaetze/clubadressenexportieren/clubadressenexportieren.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/09/14 12:08 von emilia
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