

Cancel card

Cancel in the Online-System

Close card account

You can cancel a card in the online system in real time, so that it cannot longer be used; this is needed in case of a card loss or misuse. Click on Close:

The following dialog opens if the person has more than one card account:

Select one card and confirm with OK:

Check the box and close the dialog with OK.

Close Chip-IDs

If a customer has more than one Chip-ID associated with their card account, (DGV-idplus and Mifare key tag) and looses, for example, their DGV-id, you can cancel only this ID. The customer will be able to further use the key tag.

Click Card in the person's mask:

Select the button marked below:

Select the correct card account, if the customer has more than one:

Click the Chip-ID button:

Mark the desired ID and click on Edit:

Check the option Cancel ID.

Confirm twice with OK and subsequently with Save.

Cancel in the Offline-System

Create a stoppage card

You can create a stoppage card in the offline system, which allows you to directly block the lost card on each machine;this is needed in case of a card loss or misuse.

:!: The previous content of a card is overwritten when it is programmed as an admin card. Therefore, it is better to use an empty card, or rather always the same card, marked accordingly.

Click on Close:

The following dialog opens if the person has more than one card account:

Select one card and confirm with OK:

Insert a blank Mifare card, which is to serve as a stoppage to the card reader and click on the button Create a stoppage card. Select „Stoppage card“ and confirm with OK.

:!: Share the card blocking with each offline system by holding the stoppage card in front of it. This is necessary because the offline systems are not linked with the PC CADDIE system.

HINT: You can reactivate a blocked card in a similar way. To do this, you have to create a clearance card instead of a stoppage one.

Admin card

You can also create an admin card, which you can use for the following functions for the offline readers by pressing the keys 1-4:

2 ReloadRestart the offline system.
3 DebugThis is used for troubleshooting. It starts the offline system in a special mode in which additional formation is stored.
:!: This also slows down the systems and is thus not intended for long-term use.
4 DateFor checking and correcting the time and date of the automat.
en/einstellungen/kartensystem/kartesperren.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/09/22 15:32 von emilia
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