

Form letters with ...

We support two office programs for creating form letters :

The following menu items will open via Persons, depending on the office program you have installed:

This article deals with topics that apply to both office programs.

Main dialogue

To create a form letter select Persons/Form letter with Microsoft Word. The menu item Persons/Export addresses will also take you to the form letters dialogue.


Before creating a form letter it is necessary to define a Persons group and the Order.

;-) All members of your golf club receive a letter with best wishes for the New Year.

  • For this example select „All members“ as the Persons group.
  • By confirming with the button Export, the data will be saved to the form letter file that was set in Layout.
  • Before creating the form letter you should make sure that you set have set the document in Layout to be a „*.doc“-file. The directory is set as default by PC CADDIE.

Creating a form letter

Now click the button Mailmerge:

In this window you can already see the used form letters. Please click Create new serial letter with the draft (F9) to create a new form letter. This allows you to get any Word document from any local directory and save it as a template.

Activate the desired template and enter a Reference* for your form letter. In our example we use the template „PC CADDIE empty club letter“ and enter a reference such as „Happy New Year“. To edit an existing template simply click Edit draft (F7). The button Open file with drafts (F6) opens the template folder. A new template can be imported with F9, while F5 lets you refresh the list. Finally, confirm with OK. Microsoft Word will open automatically.

Depending on the installed office program, either Microsoft Office Word or OpenOffice Writer will open.

Edit/use form letters

Select the desired form letter and click Edit the selected serial letter.

Edit / use form letter with…

Microsoft Word


Print form letter with…

Microsoft Word


Annotation of form letters

If you are working with the CRM\DMS module you can record the form letter in each person mask. The button Note makes this possible:

At the top of the image you can see the current data that is being suggested for annotation.

Define the category where the letter should be recorded, the text of the annotation and finally add the document. The button Verify export list (F7) will show you the people for which this annotation will be created.

After you have made all entries you can launch the annotation process using the button Note:

Confirm this dialogue again with OK, start annotation.

PC CADDIE will record the following annotation in each person mask of the relevant group of persons:

Create a single letter using a template

To create a single letter with a template, select a person and then click the button Export in the person mask:

Activate the option „Create automatically a letter“ and select a template for the letter. This dialogue is set up the same way as the dialogue for form letters. Have you made all changes, click OK. Then your office program opens - the merge fields in our template are already filled correctly for „Günter Ackermann“. You can now proceed as usual with the Word document. After closing the document the following window with the attached file opens:

Make all the necessary entries according to your wishes and exit the window with OK (F12). The document has now been saved to the person mask of „Günter Ackermann“.

Export addresses

Click the button Address file in the Main dialogue to export addresses:

You have the option to either export addresses to Word or Excel; exporting to Excel is recommended in case you want to print them out or use them in any other way. Please remember that it will be an HTML file and you will have to save as an Excel file. You can also copy the file into any desired target or open an empty letter.

Storage locations for documents

PC CADDIE saves the documents in different folders.

Folder Content
Attached single letters
Mailmerge form letters
Template templates

Further information on Storage locations for documents for:


en/personen/serienbrief/serienbrief.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/30 13:52 von emilia
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