

TeeUp control

Function description

PC CADDIE is the „master“ and manages all Mifare cards and customer data (in particular the credit balance). The cards are therefore loaded and programmed with PC CADDIE, as with any PC CADDIE card system.


This is how the start page looks on the terminal. The left side shows the time and the date. In the middle is a field «Bookings». Clicking on it opens the second page. You can see which window you are currently in at the top right of the display.

This is the second page. On the right side you can see that we are one page further. There are 4 new fields here; these are self-explanatory and guide you to the last page.

This is the last page. The timetable and the individual TeeUps are shown. As usual, the time is displayed on the left in the timetable, the selected day s marked in blue, and the days are shown below (Saturdays are blue, Sundays red, holidays pink and the work days are black.). On the right you can see the course, the date and the time of the selected field. In addition, there is a menu button on the left side of the timetable, which will take you back to the previous page. If you then book a tee time (bottom right), you will be forwarded to the booking. You can also change the tab and see the course reservations.

This is the other view of the timetable. Here you can see the course bookings. The timetable layout remains the same, except that you can see here the course bookings. If you then book a tee time (bottom right), you will be forwarded to the booking.

This little window appears if you click on Book tee time. Very easy, just hold the card to the reader and you will be forwarded to the next step.

This window opens after holding the card to the reader. You can see the name of the player, the selected tee-up, the date and the time (rounded to quarter of an hour). Then you have 3 options to book, and a cancel button. „Start now“ means start immediately; „Duration: 15 minutes“ means starting at the rounded time and duration: „Duration: 30 minutes“ means also starting ar the rounded time, but making the booking for 30 minutes.

That's what it looks like when you have booked a time.

en/einstellungen/kartensystem/teeupcontrol.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/12/04 15:14 von emilia
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