

Competition information

This module allows golfers to log in and out at the terminal for tournaments, or to view and print start and result lists. This option assumes that the corresponding game has been set up beforehand.

Click on the button from the main tournament screen to access the the tournament's internet settings. Define here whether this competition should be published online, and if so, how much information should be available online.

HINT: The same settings apply to the display on the terminal.

:!: Please note that the players also need their identification for the following interactions.

Register: Players can register for the tournaments that are in the registration period.

If a person has already been entered for a competition, PC CADDIE recognizes this and displays an informative message.

Cancel: Players can use this menu item to select from which game they want to unsubscribe.

Registration list: This menu item allows you to print or view the already registered players.

Start list: This function allows selective printing or the view of start lists sorted by time or by alphabet.

Results list: The players can get information about the results of a competition.
HINT: In the case of multi-round tournaments, the entire list is printed with the print of the last round.

Leaderboard: The terminal also allows you to display the leaderboard of a running competition.

en/einstellungen/kundenterminal/turnierinfo/turnierinfo.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/10/20 15:27 von emilia
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