

Order list

The order list is an informative list to give you a quick overview of all articles that where marked down for an order. To get there go to Accounts/Fees/…Print List/Order list or Articles/Print…/Order list. The difference to the article list is the Minimum which is important for the order list.

The default settings should do, but can also be adjusted when required. Please read the topic Article list for further setting options.

All articles you have defined with a Minimum will be shown in the list, and can be reordered.

Here a possible example:

;-) The column Order shows you the suggested order by PC CADDIE. You can see that Mars and Bounty are being suggested for ordering. The suggested amount is calculated to reach the minimum stock level. Of course, you can place a bigger order.

en/kasse/kasse/gastronomie/drucken/bestelliste.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
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