


Accounts/Fees/…Print List/Statistic or Articles/Print…/Article statistics open the following window:

Proceed with the settings:

  1. Set the required time period by entering the Date. You should rather use a small time period for testing purposes to avoid a long waiting time for the print.
  2. You can select a specific Supplier. If you choose all suppliers you will have the option to subdivide by suppliers.
  3. Use the button Sel. to choose the Article groups you want to evaluate.
  4. Set the fine adjustments for the articles.
  5. The Order may vary.
  6. The Analysis can be made for „Sales“ or „Purchases“.

Having set all details, click Print (F8).

  1. Total amount of sold articles
  2. Total purchase price (net) of all sold articles
  3. Purchase price (net) per article
  4. Original total sales price (gross) for all sold articles
  5. Sales price (gross) per article
  6. Actual total sales price (gross) for all sold articles
  7. Actual sales price (gross) per article
  8. Total margin (difference between total purchase price and total sales price net)
  9. Margin per article
  10. Margin percentage
en/kasse/kasse/gastronomie/drucken/statistik.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
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