

Automatically allocate playing rights

:!: Usually the playing right is automatically allocated in the Players info details with the „membership status“. So you should edit the playing right in the same place you have initially set them.

Set playing right to this value

You have the possibility to automatically allocate a playing right to specific groups of persons via Persons/Fill playing permissions and functions automatically. For example, if you have to set the status of a group from „full playing right“ to „no playing right“.

:!: Please create a Fast backup before making any changes.

:!: Carefully check the verification list before ordering membership cards.

Decide which playing right should be used for which group of persons and confirm your settings with OK:

Now select the relevant options and Start the process.

Fill function with this value

You can use this feature if you want, for example, to add the entry „PASSIVE“ to the function field in the person mask of all passive members.

:!: Please note that this function field will be displayed on the German golf association membership cards.

To do this, please open the window „Playing rights and functions“ via Persons/Fill playing permissions and functions automatically and enter the desired information like in the following example:

Press OK to start the process; PC CADDIE will enter the desired notation to all passive members after a security check:

:!: Carefully check the verification list before ordering membership cards.

en/personen/spielrechtzuweisen/spielrechtzuweisen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/11/06 12:00 von emilia
  • Keine Schlagworte vergeben
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