

Inactivate products not in stock

Via Articles/Inactivate articles without stock you get the feature where you can set all articles that are not in stock to the status „inactive“ in just one step. Inactive articles are invisible to the cash register and therefore cannot be posted. PC CADDIE will put these articles at the end of the article list in grey colour.

A further option is that you can fully remove inactive articles from your article list with the annual balance (archiving) - (they will be moved to the archive area and remain there).

:!: Act with caution in your pro shop. Before starting the annual balance it is necessary to check if all inactive articles should really be deleted as you might want to use some articles at a later time even though they are not in stock at the moment. In this case you have to set the status back to „normal“.

First of all you get to the dialogue where you select the article groups. To do so, click Select and tick off the relevant article groups and confirm your selection with OK. When pressing Start only the previous selected article groups will be considered.

Set the required check marks in the following confirmation dialogue; these may vary so that there might be just one or even three check marks necessary. At the end, click Start.

:!: A Fast backup is advisable in this situation.

en/umsaetze/proshopwarenwirschaft/artikelmitbestandnullinaktivieren/artikelmitbestandnullinaktivieren.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/09/25 13:09 von emilia
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