

Flag competition

PC CADDIE also manages Flags (or Flag competitions), a competition format in which each player is allotted a certain number of strokes, like the par + the handicap. For example, a player with a handicap „25“ plants their flag on a par-72 course after their 97th stroke. Whoever plants their flag the farthest wins the game. For this type of tournaments, select either „Stroke play,“ „Stableford,“ or „against par“ first (normally stroke play), and select the Flag Competition results type in Games/Enter results.

Stickers instead of score cards (maximum strokes also to be used on scorecard):Stickers for Flags.

Please read this topic as well: Enter results.

If you also want to print result lists with hole results for flag competition, you actually need 2 competitions. For example, you can copy the competition with the finished start list before entering the results. Copy the tournament settings with player data and start times.

en/wettspiele/turnierpraxis/flaggenwettspiel.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/04/07 16:11 von emilia
  • Keine Schlagworte vergeben
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