

Edit accounts

:!: Only the fee accounts for individuals or families are handled here. You can make changes at any time or create individual invoices.

You work with each individual account. To do this, go to Accounts/Edit Accounts and select a person:

Then the account of the selected person will open:

;-) You can also jump to a person's account directly by going to the person's mask under Persons/…new, change, delete and clicking the Account button:

Additional functions

  1. Opens the list of persons.
  2. Opens the data record of the selected person, with detailed information.
  3. Moves to the next person on the right or on the left.
  4. Opens the list of articles.
  5. Displays the highlighted item in the sales account.
  6. The selected item can be changed with regard to name, date, amount, or VAT.
  7. Cancels an existing account or deletes articles (items that are highlighted in yellow).
  8. Articles allocation only for the selected person.
  9. For entering the payment.
  10. Prints of invoices, credit memos, duplicates or summary documents.
  11. Closes the window.

Issuing invoices individually


Having opened the account of a person you can now enter the required articles. If already set up, you can use the function automatic fee allocation. Simply click the button Sorting in the account of a person, no need to mark anything (maybe change the posting date if necessary) and confirm with Sort. PC CADDIE will find all matching articles for the new member and post them into the account.

HINT: This is also a good opportunity to check whether the new member has been set up correctly for the next annual invoice.

Manually assign

If you want to post articles individually, click Select fee.

Select the article. Use Edit and New to change an existing article or to create a new one.

Now you see an allocated, yellow highlighted article in the account:

:!: At this point in time you can still remove the article without a problem: Reversal and Delete. You could also still change the price or the date of the article.

Or you can individually change, for example, the product name, price or date.

The different columns in the sales account mean:

  • + or - sign: opens or closes an invoice/credit with the posted articles
  • Information: product name
  • Date: article date (if the field Due date is empty, the today's date is considered)
  • Time: the field remains empty for an automatic contribution assignment
  • Status: Status of the article
  • Net: net amount
  • Gross: gross amount
  • OK: Status of the booking (see explanation of the different characters below)

After that you can generate the invoice; click Print to start the process.

The following window opens; please note the 6 steps:

  1. Select the required option. The advance receipt will not create an invoice number, it is only being used for visualization and checking. The normal receipt will generate the invoice. So use the advance receipt to check the correctness of the invoice and then select normal receipt to post and print the invoice.
  2. Booking date allows you to generate an invoice including all articles in this account up to this date. You can exclude from the current billing items that are meant to be included in subsequent invoices. By checking the Select single bookings field you may individually select articles.
  3. Families together is usually a standard setting, but PC CADDIE will remember the last manual change until being restarted. :!: So when changing settings regarding the families, keep in mind that each invoice should also be settled or changed prior to separating the family and contact person. Please contact the PC CADDIE support if you want to create only one invoice per family.
  4. The Receipt number is the invoice number and has to be set at the beginning of each year. We recommend choosing this format: YEAR00001; for example, the first invoice for the year 2020 would look like this: 202000001. PC CADDIE numbers the invoices consecutively.
  5. The Text template for an Invoice should be stored properly. Using commands you can automatically enter the account details. We recommend using a simple and standard template. We are happy to provide you with a template with your letter paper and logo for a fee.
  6. Now you can print the invoice. If you have selected normal receipt an invoice number will be generated even if you print it onto your screen. You could then print a duplicate of this invoice.

The final invoice posting in the account will look like this:

The six numbers on the bottom right of the window have the following meanings:

  • top left line, in bright blue: total net value of all invoiced items
  • top right line, in bright blue: total gross value of all the invoiced items
  • middle row left line, in green: sum of all payments
  • middle row right line, in green / red: balance of the account (green = credit, red = debit)
  • bottom left line, in gray: total net sum of the items that are highlighted in yellow
  • bottom right line, in gray: total gross sum of the items that are highlighted in yellow

Enter Payments

Amount identical to the one in the invoice

First of all, click on Payment.

The following window opens:

  1. Which entries should be considered up to which date? The current date is entered by default, but you can enter the date up to which the outstanding items should be considered. Hit TAB (from keyboard) and PC CADDIE will calculate the open total and enter it at 3.
  2. This is the person you have selected.
  3. The Amount paid will be suggested by PC CADDIE automatically according to your input in 1. Select the Type of payment. You can use the button for the article search. If a required Type of payment is missing, you can create it: Payment methods for fee accounts. „Payment“ is the default setting for Information . The Payment date will be used as the posting date.
  4. Having entered all details click Book and the following window opens:

If the payment matches an invoice amount, PC CADDIE will select this invoice. You can also select the invoice manually (for example, for part payments).

Click Book to enter the posting of the payment. The invoice will be check-marked in the account. The payment entry was posted and the accounts balance is -in this particular case- 0.

HINT: Payments (green entries) can be deleted at all times. But we recommend that you use this option only if you immediately detect the error. If the entry is older it will be easier to follow an account history if you select the payment article and reverse its entry.

Direct debits, for which you have created a DTAUS-File will be booked out collectively: Booking out direct debit.

Split payment

The customer has 2 bills, there is a transfer that covers more than the amount of the first bill, but not the entire amount from the second bill.

Mark both bills:

You can choose between „balance oldest documents“ or „evenly distribute“.

Here, „balance oldest documents“ was chosen:

  • the older bill, 1000 Euro, is completely paid.
  • 2nd invoice is „partly paid“ with 90 Euro.
  • It remains unpaid until the entire amount is covered.

Reversal and credit

Withdraw an invoice

:!: If you discover a mistake after having issued an invoice you can withdraw it - but only on the same day.

Got to the account, select the invoice and click Reversal:

The following window opens:

Select Cancel invoice and you will have the yellow highlighted entry which can be removed easily with Reversal and Delete entry.

:!: If you cannot withdraw the invoice anymore, you will receive the following message:

In this case you will have to reverse the entry and create a credit note. This will be explained in our next topic.

HINT: If you need a record of all your generated invoice numbers, please print an invoice output list, which also includes all invoices with 0 amount.

Reversal/Credit note

Click Reversal to cancel an entry.

Then select Reverse invoice completely to get the yellow reversal entry.

You need to create a credit from this reversal entry; press Print for starting this process. The same window as for printing invoices will open:

:!: Now the text template for the credit notes are important. You can Edit your template and save it. Remember: The more simple and general your text template is, the better.

Use the advance receipt to check your text and select the normal receipt to activate the credit note in the account. The credit note will get its own number so the bookkeeping can cancel the reversed invoice using the credit note.

Now the balance of this account is indeed 0, but the green check mark on the right side is missing. This is obtained through a payment entry with the amount zero. So click Payment.

and then Book, so that you complete all the entries.

:!: Please keep in mind that if you need to change settings in a family constellation you will have to settle the accounts beforehand!

To create a duplicate of an invoice, click Print in the the sales account, select print duplicate, and then click Print on the new window.

You can now select the invoice:

and print it with OK. The copy of the invoice is generated using the same layout as for the original. If you want to use different data for the duplicate, for example, to print a duplicate with a changed address, please check the Generate new duplicate box.

Explaining the symbols

Yellow entries

These are allocated articles that have not been invoiced yet.

;-) If a member pays a monthly the article in advance, the article could already be allocated for the entire year.

Blue arrow

The arrow will appear as soon as an invoice was generated out of an allocated, yellow entry. This arrow indicates that an invoice is now outstanding.

Floppy disc

If you see the floppy disc symbol, you know the amount has already been used for a DTAUS- or SEPA- Debiting file. So the member will be debited as soon as a banking program is processing the file.

Orange circle

The orange circle symbolizes a partial payment.

Green check mark

The green check mark indicates that a payment has been posted and the invoice has been settled.

Yellow bell

The yellow bell indicates that the first dunning level was reached.

Red bell

The red bell indicates that the first dunning level was printed and the second dunning level was reached.

Yellow asterisk

The yellow asterisk shows that the entry has been exported to the bookkeeping export file.

Blue question mark

The blue question mark shows that a reminder stop has been set for this invoice.

More information on how to enter a reminder stop for an invoice can be found here: Reminder stop.

General information

HINT: In some cases it may occur that entries are marked as partly paid (orange circle), although the account is balanced.

In this case you can recalculate an account by posting a payment entry with the value 0.00. Got to Payment and you should see that the field Amount paid shows 0.00; click Book. You should have no invoices highlighted in blued when you list them. If you see one, click on it and the colour will change. Now confirm with OK and the account will be recalculated. PC CADDIE will tick off all entries with a green check mark.

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