

Results notification

Information about the intranet. Where are the results automatically sent to??
Find out =>here

The function Competitions/Multiple Tournaments, Golf Weeks/Print…/Results Notification is in general identical with the function Competitions/Print…/Results Notification. Both functions are required only in exceptional cases, usually only for players from countries which are not connected to the intranet.

In addition to the second option, the first one allows you to print the results notifications simultaneously for more tournaments, while the print functionality accessible directly under the menu Competition is used only for a tournament at a time:

Use this dialog to set which Competitions and which Group of persons are to be considered. Furthermore, you can alter the text from the Information about the results and decide weather the header and the sender should also be printed. Start the printing process as usually, by pressing the Print (F8) button.

en/wettspiele/turniereundgolfwochen/drucken/ergebnismitteilungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/03/22 18:29 von emilia
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