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personen:crmdms:terminfenster:terminfenster [2015/07/26 02:10] – ↷ Seite von en:personen:crmdms:terminfenster:terminfenster nach personen:crmdms:terminfenster:terminfenster verschoben mspen:personen:crmdms:terminfenster:terminfenster [2015/09/02 18:48] – [Appointments window] emilia
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Overview of appointments and events ======+====== Appointments window ====== 
 +The Password management allows you to set which employees should have access to this module. The Appointments window automatically starts when the employee logs-in to PC CADDIE. But you can also access it via //**Persons/Reminder window**//: 
 +The main window offers you only the information linked to the password with which you have logged-in to PC CADDIE. You can make this information available to different users. Only the tab //**Appointments**// affects all users. The current tasks can be found under the tab //**Current todo**//. The tab //**Ongoing and in progress**// refers to all pending work. 
 +For example, if you have an unpaid invoice, this will be seen in both **//Invoice//** and ****Ongoing and in progress**** tabs. All other tabs are self-explanatory. 
 +**//Urgent//** information, which is accompanied by an alarm (reminder) is marked with a bell in front of the entry. A star in front of the entry is also available for unread entries: 
 +The star disappears after you open the entry for the first time. 
 +Entries marked with an **//Urgent alarm//** require immediate attention. These entries are displayed on the screen every 20 minutes, forcing the user to edit these entries. 
 +Please note the processing options available at the bottom of the window. 
 +HINT: the Appointment window can be turned-off/deactivated for POS stations. Please consult the PC CADDIE support team if you want to do this. 
 +The **//Options//** button at the bottom left of the Appointment window allows you to print the information or to make different settings: 
 +Read more under [[en:personen:crmdms:funktionenundeinstellungen:funktionenundeinstellungen]]
-Coming soon.