

Annual update 2019, Switzerland

ASG becomes Swiss Golf

The ASG is renamed to Swiss Golf
Swiss Golf

This is also integrated in PC CADDIE, the texts are changed, for example, in the personal mask:

Count game with highest score / maximum score | New game form

The maximum score per hole improves the gameplay speed in count-play tournaments. Since the handicap calculation is done by Stableford, this form of play can also be used for handicap effective competitions.
Instructions on how to proceed can be found under: ⇒Count game with highest score

Gross CR compensation | New sorting

New from 2019: sorting according to original played points
In this case players 2 and 3 have played from the tee „Men white“. Player 2 is ranked higher than Player 3 because he played better than Player 3 with 22 gross points without CR compensation (both players rated by tee „Men White“). However, the gross is won by Player 1. Because Player 1 has earned 25 gross points from the Tee „Ladies Red“, and thus she is better than Player 2, who has earned „only“ 24 gross points with CR compensation. Player 1 is placed in first place.

So far, the gross CR compensation has been sorted as follows:
An example of a previous result list:

Course data | Course rating for up to 18 tees

From now on you can have a course rating for up to 18 tees.
For this, the course data fields have been extended, for: GOLD - SILVER - BLACK - WHITE - YELLOW - BLUE - RED - ORANGE - GREEN.
And every tee color can be measured for both men and women!
The instructions for loading the course data can be found ⇒here.

Course data| Individually selectable tee colors

It is allowed to name the colors of the tees. The tee colors should still be recognizable, for example, you can make from RED → PINK. It is not allowed to enter GREEN at the position for RED.

Here is an example of a club with only a few tees, but individual color names:

Printed course data with English color names for the tees.

Data protection for officials of the golf club

Data protection is becoming increasingly important: e-mail addresses of club members may only be uploaded to the INTRANET with their consent.

en/sonstigefunktion/jahresupdate/jahresupdate2019/jahresupdateschweiz2019.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/05/28 14:39 von emilia
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