

DGV QeSC - current information August 2020


In order to be able to use the functions for the „Qualified Electronic Scorecard“ (QeSC), you need an additional module from PC CADDIE. The module is currently available at half price and can be easily set up!

During the installation we also make sure that the Service manager and the automatic Intranet service are set up, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

The procedure for a competition with QeScc

Information on how to handle competitions with the „Qualified Electronic Scorecard“ is available here

The procedure for EDS with QeSC

The current PC CADDIE version allows you to activate the QeSC with the EDS scorecard printing function. You no longer need to create competitions for EDS with QeSC!

Information on how to process EDS (Extra Day Score) with the „Qualified Electronic Scorecard“ is available: here.

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