PC CADDIE workstation
Please copy the old workstation PC CADDIE directory (C:\PCCADDIE) 1:1 to the new workstation .
You can now start the PCC_WIN.exe from the C:\PCCADDIE\USER_1\PROGRAMM directory. Should you see a message indicating that the database cannot be found::
…click on
…click here on
Change the data search path…
You can modify the paths starting from the 4th line (PC CADDIE Main data) with the new paths (for example, UNC path: \\SERVER\PCCADDIE\DATEN).

Please do not use any mapped driver on the server itself, as this would not be known to the PC CADDIE services, i.e., the services will not be able to find the required data.
The shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start menu are created automatically for all users after you start PC CADDIE on the new computer, if you have administrator privileges.

If you have a stand-alone computer, you should check whether the SMB2 protocol is enabled (Macro: smb). If so, you can disable it in this window, and restart the computer.
Install SuperMailer
This is only necessary if SuperMailer has been previously installed on the workstation.
en/sonstigefunktion/technik/neuinstallation/client/client.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/12/17 11:50 von emilia