

Annual financial statement process


Please check the following points prior to starting the new annual financial statement:

Now you can start the new year.

Additional points when editing the "old" year

Please consider these points if you still want to make invoices or even the items’ allocation in the „old“ year. You can skip directly to the Procedure if you want to make the items’ allocation only for the new year.

  • Print out a membership statistics before you make any changes and save it. The statistic has no archive function. For example, if a child changes his status to „Apprentice, Student“ because of his age, you will not be able to identify this change simply based on the statistics.
  • Please have a look how many days are set for the Start turn of the year. Consider whether you are within this period. For example, if the field specifies 40 days you can still continue with the current settings until 25th of November of the previous year, because the year will end within the next 40 days.
  • Then start Adjusting age groups. PCC will set the age groups corresponding to the next year. This is important, for example, when older teens should get assigned another article.


  • Recommendation: Print out a Member statistic for the previous year and save it, for example as PDF. So you can always have the numbers for the past year when needed.
  • First, start the Automatic transfer of fees in accordance with the previously selected items. Pay attention to the posting date.
  • Now print the Cost control after fee transfer via the sales statistics. Very carefully check the allocations.
  • Also print a Outstanding accounts, this also takes into account the family summary.
  • Now you can look at the Proforma invoice on your screen. Here you can perform a final check of the layout. On the pre-receipt you see ——— instead of the invoice number. The Invoice Number should be, for example, 205000001 at the beginning of the year 2050. The consecutive invoice numbers are generated only on the proper invoices.
  • Print the Invoices as a normal document. If you use the module „Invoice by mail“, please start the Invoices by mail process first, and then the invoices for the mailing (for example, if there is no mail address available)..
  • Now print the List of outgoing invoices.
  • In Germany, you have the possibility to create the Create a debiting-file for your direct debits.
  • You can export your entries for your accounting program as soon as you have the module Export accounting data.


Special features for monthly contributions and installment payments

Implementation considerations

  • When you introduce monthly contributions, it makes sense to think about how you can do it with as little effort as possible. We recommend contracts that automatically renew if the customer does not actively cancel.
  • Allow installment payments only for larger amounts, for example, for the annual fee. Or offer special contracts for monthly payers. Small amounts such as box rental, youth contributions etc, which should be divided into 12 installments, only require a lot of working time and do not bring the desired financial success.
  • In our experience, it also makes sense to design the contracts so that the main accounting work falls into the winter time.

Items and assignments

  • For each entry, which is to be divided into 12 installments, and for which there is an annual due date, both the annual contribution article and the monthly installment article are created. More information is available under → Create a contribution article.
  • The allocation of the monthly installment can be carried out with optimal decisions - quite simply - with the annual contribution allocation.

Create invoices

  • Create invoices for each month individually. This way invoices and payments fit together, and the accounts are clear.
  • This also simplifies the creation of the monthly SEPA-Files! Ideally, you do not need a booking filter, you just pull in the outstanding balance of the invoices!

Optimum processing
The invoices were created per month in the following example. It is enough to create/print them on the screen (so that they are booked). This allows you to send the customers an overview of the agreed debits (advance receipt with separate text), at the beginning of the year.
Even better would be to send each customer their monthly bills by e-mail.
Information on the use of this PC CADDIE module can be found under Online invoicing
The advantage of monthly invoicing is the clean and clear processing of invoice and payment. Look for yourself:

Bad practice example
In the example below, an invoice was created for all 12 installments. But the direct debit collection should take place monthly. This type of processing always leads to many questions. See yourself in the account: How about the payment from 2.4.19? Is this the payment for March? And the direct debit for this was only on 2.4. credited? - Hard to say…
Let's assume that this is so: then there is probably a problem with the payment from April. Because the SEPA file only refer to the date range from 01.04. to 30.04. PC CADDIE finds for this period (April) on the one hand the article with 46.- Euro, on the other hand, however, also a payment of 46, - Euro (based on the date). As a result, this person will miss the amount due in April in the debit entry file because „+46“ + „-46“ = „zero“ - so no debt in April !!
Of course, there would also be the possibility to limit the Booking filter according to further characteristics. However, this could lead to other questions depending on how the accounts are managed.We recommend that you take the easy way, and create the invoices separately for each due month.

Imagine if there were family members as well, and during the year the student leaves the family or they divorce. You would have to create credits, separate the families, etc. … With monthly bills, there would be much less to consider.

A very complex process can also lead to a time-consuming support effort, which is not covered by the maintenance fee. In this case, we would estimate the additional effort with you and make a fair service offer. About 2-3 hours of service time are estimated for an average invoice run with checklists.Services: Overview and prices.

Particularities in Switzerland

  • Make sure that the invoice number has maximum 8 digits if you want to work with PC CADDIE Payment slips. A longer invoice number together with the code line on the payment slip cannot be processed by the post office.
  • This can raise problems during the Import of payments.
en/umsaetze/ablaufjahresrechnungen/ablaufjahresrechnungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/03/14 14:58 von emilia
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